Saturday, February 25, 2012

Daughter of Smoke and Bone

By Laini Taylor
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: 4 1/2 stars

I wanted to read this based on the cool title alone, but it is a great story as well.  Karou has been raised from infancy by four demons, who despite their appearances, have loved her dearly.  Now 17, Karou lives in Prague and attends school as an art student, but she lives a secret life.  She can enter the portal to where her demons live and then exit into other places in the world to run errands for Brimstone, mainly collecting teeth. Although she has questioned Brimstone many times about his magics and what he does with the teeth, he never tells her.  Then one day, she and an angel named Akiva lock eyes in Marrakesh and Karou discovers there is much, much more to the mystery of who and what she is and where her demon family comes from than she ever dreamed of.  This is the beginning of a series and readers will be dying for the next installment.  Taylor creates a lush, well-imagined world and backstory for her characters, and readers will be fascinated.  There is a strong dose of romance here, but I can't imagine anyone would mind.  Fantastic!

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